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If stress has become your closest friend these days, pull your chair a little closer; I think we caught this just in time.

Sit back...

...close your eyes...

...take a deep breath in...

...and let it out...

Now...Let's scoot our chairs back a bit and sort things out.

Can you picture your life path as a spiral that is always moving out and up?  Now picture this spiral forming a vessel shaped like the one I'm holding here.

See how the top becomes narrow?  Compare this image with your life path right now. What reaction do get from your body? 

  • Perhaps you feel you can't catch your breath.
  • Maybe you feel choked because of the responsibilities you have taken on. 
  • Possibly this image may make you feel you have lost your voice. 
  • Or, your body may feel no reaction at all. 

No worries.  There is no wrong answer.  Your reaction will be unique and perfect for you.  My intention is to give you the opportunity to tune into the messages your body is sending you.

Self care starts with asking our body how it feels - and then acting on what it tells us.  The physical symptoms of stress is the way our body tells us it needs something, and it can show up many different ways.  Take a quick look at one of my newsletters to read a list of the physical symptoms of stress. 

As you get to know me you will find I choose to view things from a positive perspective (which-has-served-me-very-well-thankyouverymuch). So I invite you to sit beside me now and really listen to what I already know about this magnificent vessel that is You. 

First of all...

I know...

You are very resourceful,

You are very creative,


You try very, very hard to be Everything

to Everyone you know.

I also truly know that this vessel of You has been holding all of the wisdom, gifts and talents you were born with, and have been collecting, along Your Way. As a matter of fact, you have been using your wisdom, gifts and talents in the perfect way, shape and form throughout your entire life. 

Your wisdom, gifts and talents — the Authentic True You — Loves to express itself for all the world to see and appreciate. 

The stress you have been feeling lately could be a sign your wisdom, gifts and talents are feeling suppressed, or overwhelmed, or both!  This is where your body comes in.  If you are experiencing physical symptoms of stress, it could be that the Authentic True You has enlisted your body for help in getting your attention.  

And there's more!  What I have just shared is only what I see on the surface of this resourceful, creative and helpful vessel that holds the Authentic True You.  I know there's a lot more good stuff in there too. For instance, I also know this very same vessel can quench your parched dreams and bring the oasis right to your doorstep once again...

Oh yes it can! I swear on the spiffy sports car I drive that you are not seeing a mirage. I know that with just a little boost on my part, it's possible for 'even you' to finally reach the oasis that has been beckoning you for years.


I'm glad you asked!  Because coaching relationships are a lace you can practice Being who you really want to Be and know you will receive truthful, encouraging feedback about it.  As your Authentic True Self gains confidence in expressing itself, you begin to attract your very own garden of paradise that continuously blooms with everything you have ever wanted — and more! 

I know it might sound impossible right this moment with stress knocking at your door and all that, but it's not.  I've been there and done this.

My purpose is to share my riches with others.  Everything I Do comes from this place.

And it's no accident you have found me.  You have found me because you are ready to receive the wisdom, gifts and talents I have to offer you.  You are ready for someone to honor where you are right now.  You are ready for someone with my royal calling and renowned experience to help you get what you truly want. 

Oh, I almost forgot.  You are ready for someone with an accredited coaching certificate. I tend to downplay the official, established way of doing things, and not because official, established stuff isn't important.  It's because (in my humble opinion) way too many of us were taught that the official, established way is the only way things should be done. 

The word should (again in MHO) is a weapon guaranteed to cork a persons vessel and stop the ever growing, ever opening spiral that is our life path.  I would like to see its use drastically curtailed and replaced with the word want.

(As in, "I want this for myself because it makes me a happier person who has the energy to help other people to be happier.") 

I believe in the value of official, established coaching skills, and I am grateful to have them in my repertoire.  I also believe my Authentic True Self, my calling, my commitment, my experience, and my certification — all mixed together and expressed as Me — is my most valuable contribution to You, not any individual part.  This is also the core philosophy of the coaching profession, so I am happy gurl Being who I am Doing what I Love. 

This very same mixture, by the way, is what I see in You.  The only difference is the amounts, which will vary depending on perfect place You are right now. 

To be coached one-on-one is to explore and practice different mixtures of everything You are in a trusting, encouraging space (from 3 months to 1 year in most cases) until you are happy Being who You are Doing what You Love. 

As you meander around the site you will find lots of success stories sprinkled around.  These stories have been written by some of my clients, all of them brilliant Creative Spirits just like you.  Your success story could be here too.  Yes indeed my friend, I am talking to You!

If something within you is urging you to go for it, I would say it is the Authentic True You vibrating with recognition and excitement because it has connected with a kindred spirit.

Tune into Your Vessel — take a sip. 

I think it's time for you to quench your thirst for a meaningful life.

If YOU think it is, contact me right now to start bringing "some day" into "To day"!


Royal Wares - Tools to cultivate Plan Be in your garden patch...

From the Washington Post...

A Coach for 'Team You'

Many who want a winning record in the game of Life are skipping the shrink and hiring a Life Coach instead. Full story.

From My Heart To Yours

At first, the most visible gift I bring to you as a Life Coach is simplification.

I am right in there with you as you de-clutter, sort through, organize and simplify the excess stuff in your life.  I Love doing this because it clears the way for you to receive the the most valuable gift I am here to share.

My joy, what I am here to Do (with a capital D) as your coach, is to hold the space called what you really want open and ready for You to pour yourself into it. 

Wherever you are right now is the perfect place to start.  The seed of your Being is within you, all you have to do is plant it where you are right now - or not! 

I'm not going anywhere in either case.   I'll be right here cultivating my own life so I can be ready, certainly able, and always willing to share my bounty with you.  

P. S. Click Here to Cultivate this moment of Your Life.


Read past issues of "Seeds of Inspiration" here.