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How to experience more synchronicity in your life

Meaningful coincidences, or synchronicity, can happen at any moment. Sometimes it involves the timely arrival of special information that we want. Or it can be the sudden realization that a past hobby or interest was actually a preparation for landing us a new opportunity or job. The reason that the information comes to us in this way is probably the result of our having integrated all the growth steps necessary to set up our readiness for the next chapter in our life story.

So how do you experience synchronicity more often? At first you must work backwards. When you notice a meaningful coincidence, the process actually started long before you noticed what was going on. So start thinking back to the events that preceded the synchronistic event.

It is also very important that you keep a positive outlook as your experiences of synchronicity increase. As you feel more comfortable with the idea that all coincidence in your life has meaning, the flow of synchronicity accelerates and becomes easier to interpret. This is most important when something "bad" or "sad" happens to you. If you shift into a negative interpretation you will lose the energy and in a sense, your way.

Whenever you assume a negative outcome, blame others or yourself in some way, or are skeptical that every event of your life has meaning, you will be tempted to give up the whole process. Try to endure these unpleasant experiences as evidence that you are still in the learning process, and that you will move on as soon as you internalize the lesson. Universal time works differently than we sometimes think it should, and nothing we can do will rush it along.

Here are a few activities to try. Pick one and consciously practice it in the next few weeks. Have Fun!

  1. Each morning, say - "Today I want to meet good people." - What you want that to mean is that you want to meet people compatible with your path and with whom you can exchange information or messages about where to go next. Ask the universe to send them to you, and you will meet them.

  2. Choose your seating in a public place - When entering a restaurant or meeting, pay close attention to the energy in the room. Ask yourself where you should sit. One place or another will stand out; take that seat. At first you might not notice anything, but keep practicing and remain open, choosing your seating this way could lead to an important synchronistic encounter. You might meet someone, see something, have the best meal, or make the best deal of your life!

  3. Get a great parking space - When you pull into a crowded parking lot, Ask for a good space and really believe you deserve one. Drive slowly and be aware of the moment. This really works!

  4. Books, magazines, and the media - The next time you enter a bookstore, slowly gaze around you or at a shelf. A particular book will probably catch your eye, and on closer inspection will usually contain a particular story or article that contains synchronistic information. This experience can also be expanded to include magazines, television, or movies.

  5. Watching where your eyes fall. - Sometimes we notice that our eyes spontaneously fall on a particular person, place, or object. Often, just a few minutes of attentive action will lead to a new adventure or synchronistic encounter.

  6. Look at interruptions differently. - Imagine you are following behind a slow driver. You are in a big hurry to get somewhere and start to get angry. Instead of directing your anger at the slow driver, use that moment to reflect on why you have been slowed down. Don't take the interruption as proof that the world is made up of slow drivers or blame yourself that you're late again. Decide that there is a reason for you to be behind this driver and back off. I'll bet that as soon as you reframe the experience, the car in front of you will turn off and allow you to go on your way. Maybe you won't be in such a hurry anymore.


Creative Metaphors
Where does the time go?
What does success look like?
Experiencing synchronicity
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Discovering Your Passion

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